
Chairman’s Message

時光荏苒, 三十載風雨兼程, 三十載歲月如歌。改革開放爲我們在中國内地擴大生産事業提供了廣闊空間。”信興實業” 自1987年在香港創立以来, 以堅持创新爲發展目標, 奉行 “誠信爲先, 品質為本” 的營商之道, “努力爲客户創造價值、為員工提供發展機會” 的企業宗旨, 形成了企業獨特的感召力和凝聚力。

十年樹木、百年樹仁。”信興實業” 的壯大成長離不開全體仝仁的努力付出, 在企業取得不斷發展的同時, 我們常懷感恩之心, 積極履行企業對社會責任, 熱心參與公益事業, 支持内地貧因地區的教育事業、設立展翔助學基金,目的是支持貧困地區兒童就學, 因為堅信 “知識會改變命運、成就自己的夢想”。

寄語信興人: 不忘初心, 取之社會, 用之有道, 在公益事業上努力前行。

天行健, 君子以自强不息。”千里之行, 始於足下”。


Mr. T.T. Li


Company’s Growth

1987  Shun Hing was founded in Hong Kong.
1994  The 1st factory was set up in Changan Dongguan as well as was set up tooling division.
1998  Injection molding workshop was awarded IS09001 certification.
2008  The 2nd factory was established in Tianjin and its major business is automotive products.
2008  Product Assembling Department was set up in Changan factory.
2010  Zhan Xiang Green Agricultural Limited was established in Yi Zhang, Hu Nan province, China.
2012  IML Department was set up in Changan factory
2016  Set up more state-of-the-art CNC machine centers and fully automatic robot device to realize of intelligent manufacturing.
2020  Awarded ISO13485, production and sales of injection molded parts for medical devices.


Company Introduction

Shun Hing Industrial International Limited was established in Hong Kong in 1980s. At the beginning, the company mainly engaged in the manufacture of precision hardware mold and plastic products.In 1994, Mr. T.T. Li, our founder, grasped the opportunity of the Chinese Economic Reform, setting up a new factory in Changan, Dongguan. The business was expanded including mold making, small household electrical appliances, auto parts and electronic injection product.

The founder Mr. Li’s business philosophy, “integrity first, quality-based”, has been appreciated and supported by our customers over thirty years.

“Shun Hing” aims to adhere to innovation for the development of the company. Under the leadership of Mr. H.C. Li, the general manager, the company set up a new business department developing quality earphones, Bluetooth, Wi-fi and other electronic products in recent yeas.In order to enhance our manufacturing quality as well as to develop the diversity of our products, we invested capital to set up more state-of-the-art CNC machine centers and fully automatic robot device to strengthen the information system, moving towards Industry 4.0.